Would You Welcome A Muslim Leader to Your Home?

WND or WorldNetDaily has published an article criticizing Rick Warren for a visit by Cat Stevens aka Yusef Islam to his house.  WND quoted Robert Spencer from Jihad Watch as saying Yusef Islam is a radical Muslim by his view of the fatwa back in 1989.

WND claims that @RickWarren tweeted: “Legendary Cat Stevens came by to see me today as I worked at home on a sermon.” Does anyone know what that conversation was actually about? What if Yusef Islam had questions about faith or some spiritual issues? Is Rick Warren automatically guilty by association? If so, Jesus was also guilty.

In the Gospel accounts of Jesus, his hangout companions ranged from Pharisees to the most notorious sinners who were considered traitors by the general religious establishment.  In fact Jesus had disciples who were considered radical zealots. Yet Jesus didn’t seem to care. Of course this gave fuel to the accusations that Jesus was too friendly with people who were considered the enemy to orthodoxy.  Those who were the “orthodox” gatekeepers went so far as to accuse him of being in league with the devil. So now matter whether Jesus talked to the super religious or the sinner, he was considered a risk.

What about today? No matter how we feel about Yusef Islam (Cat Stevens), I wonder if Jesus would open the door to him if he were here today? I am not concerned about Yusef Islam’s religious views whether he is radical or moderate. To me it misses the point.

This begs the question. What would we do if we were in Rick Warrens shoes? I wonder how many followers of Jesus would open the door if legendary Cat Stevens stopped by their house? Perhaps back in his former life they would open the door gladly, but maybe now that he is a Muslim they wouldn’t even acknowledge him!

I don’t know the whole story as to why Yusef Islam stopped by. I don’t believe that Rick Warren opening the door and inviting him in to talk means he agrees with his guest. In fact, might it be more Christlike? I know many are concerned about his earlier associations with Islam and the charge of Chrislam (the lie that Warren says won’t go away). Yet such a harsh judgement without knowing the whole story reveals an attitude that accuses with no grace or love.

Before we start to line up and accuse Rick Warren again, why don’t we step back and take a pause. Did Rick do something that compromises our Evangelical faith? Or are we just afraid that he did by inviting a Muslim into his home?  Often the accusation is worse than the crime. Do we overreact by accusing people of being “guilty” without knowing the whole context?  What if someone comes over who has a serious spiritual question? If we don’t invite them in we won’t be able to answer them and we won’t be showing love.

The tone of WND’s article resonates with the view of many bloggers about Islam and Rick Warren’s friendliness with Muslims. Yet do these same bloggers actually go to Rick Warren to find out the facts or the context? Before we start throwing stones, maybe we need to check out the story first. In what spirit are we reporting the news?

If in fact Rick Warren were to compromise his faith, then it would be those who are his spiritual covering who must confront him first in love. Not disconnected bloggers. This is the Scriptural way. I hope we can be more Christlike and Muslims will visit us in order to talk more about what is on their heart. Maybe then we can be like Jesus who received people who others had written off as not worthy to enter their homes. I know I want to be more like Christ. Do you?

Categories: Christian-Muslim Interaction

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2 replies

  1. Makes me wonder what these folks would have said if Jesus had tweeted about Nicodemus coming to visit him one night.

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